Marie Favier – english

Marie began studying music with La Maîtrise de la Loire. She holds Bachelor and Master degrees in musicology, she studied singing at Lyon Conservatory (CRR) then completed a degree in Baroque singing at the CMBV. She also worked with the Frivolités Parisiennes academy during one year on the repertoire of comic opera.

In 2019 she was Calista in J.B. Lully’s Les amants magnifiques, with Le Concert spirituel, conducted by Hervé Niquet at Limoges Opera. Her past roles in this, her favourite repertoire include Madame Oudinot in Baptiste ou l’opera des farceurs with arias by Lully (Versailles Opera), Polymnie and Caliste in Lully’s Les fêtes de l’Amour et de Bacchus (Villebon and Ranelagh theaters), Fortuna in Monteverdi’s L’Incoronazione di Poppea (Lyon Gallo-Roman museum), Isménide in M. de La Barre’s La Vénitienne (Galerie des Batailles), Clorinde in A. Campra’s Tancrède (Galerie des Batailles) and later the Warrior and the Dryad in the same work at Avignon then Versailles Operas (Alpha recording).

Being just as attracted by operettas and comic operas, she has sung Hermia in J. Offenbach’s Barbe-bleue (Irigny theater) and Polixène in L. Delibes’s Ce qui plaît aux hommes, conducted by Matthieu Romano (Trévise theater).

She works with various choir as well as soloist ensembles: Accentus, Le Concert Spirituel, Les Eléments, Le Choeur de chambre de Namur, Arsys Bourgogne, Les Cris de Paris, Correspondances, La Chapelle Rhénane, Zene, Actéon… with repertoires from Baroque to contemporary musics.

She is also fond of ensembles for equal voices and has helped create Orphea ensemble (Romantic to modern music) and later Swing and Blush (gospel, jazz, musicals, pop music…). She founded the early music ensemble Comet Musicke, together they revisit the biography-concert genre and have recorded Quinze. She also wrote and sang in the jazz musical Un Noël à New-York (Christmas in New-York) performed at La Comédie Nation in Paris and during Le Mois Molière in Versailles.

Having long been interested in transmitting her art, she completed a state-registered diploma as a teacher of vocal music at Le Pôle Sup’93. She has been choirmaster for such choirs as Allegretto (Vonnas), Cantate (Oullins), the teenage choir at Lyon Centre de la Voix, la compagnie Papageno (Versailles), Les Tréteaux Lyriques (Paris). She also assisted conductor Olivier Schneebeli (CMBV) for two educational projects with Trappes secondary schools : L’Inde Galante and Génération Lully.